Home TV The Emotional Journey of Tyler and Catelynn for Their Daughter Carly

The Emotional Journey of Tyler and Catelynn for Their Daughter Carly

The Emotional Journey of Tyler and Catelynn for Their Daughter Carly

In 2009, then 17 years old Tyler and Catelynn felt like placing their eldest daughter Carly for adoption was the best they could do as young parents. 

Why? Well, having a child these days is hard. Even for professionals raising a kid is such a difficult task. So, you can only imagine how things would be even more difficult for teenagers clueless about the challenges such a life-changing experience entails. 

The show “Teen Mom” first aired in 2009, and Tyler and Catelynn were one of the OGs. The world witnessed what they had gone through, from how their relationship started and their first pregnancy to what urged them to make the big decision. 

Unlike other couples, they were among the few who were very open with their journey, both on the show and in interviews. Despite what happened, the two have maintained a close relationship with Carly’s adoptive parents, Brandon and Teresa. 

Years after the adoption, the couple admitted they had gone through an emotional journey, trying to cope with what happened. However, they are forever grateful to Carly’s adoptive parents as they have provided Carly with a stable and loving home, even though it was not with them.

It Was Hard for Them Too

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Having a child at such an early age will never be easy. Aside from the fact that they don’t have proper paying jobs, juggling time as a teen while also taking care of a child is not ideal. 

Although there are a lot of people who can do so, not all are strong and fearless enough. At that time, Tyler and Catelynn Lowell didn’t know what to do, and they were just scared that they might be unable to provide their child with the best life.

However, it doesn’t mean it was easy for them just to let go. In the following years after Carly was placed for adoption, the couple was vocal about the challenges and emotional pain they had gone through.

Since they felt like this was the best decision they could make for their daughter, they tried to cope with the ongoing grief and heal in the process.

They Still Try to Keep in Touch

Through the years, the couple has always tried to still keep in touch with their daughter. Every year, Tyler Baltierra never misses to greet his daughter with the happiest birthday. Thankfully, Carly’s adoptive parents are still open for the couple to see their child occasionally. 

However, Teresa and Brandon do step in if they think Tyler and Catelynn’s actions are not any more appropriate. One time, Tyler asked the couple if they could use Carly’s picture for one episode of “Teen Mom.”

Teresa quickly shut them down, saying that even though they are Carly’s biological parents, in one way or another, Carly is still their child. That’s why Tyler and Catelynn should respect their decisions. 

They Receive Some Hate

Of course, Tyler and Catelynn received backlash from people online, saying that their decision was wrong right off the bat. On Twitter, people started bashing Tyler, calling him names and saying that he is “Trash” for allowing his child to be placed on adoption. 

Tyler quickly shuts off the troll by Tweeting back, saying that if placing his innocent daughter into an adoption plan when he was 16, doesn’t have a proper job, or even any experience with children makes him trash, society is really messed up for real!

They Become Advocates for Adoption

After their first-hand experience and the roller coaster ride they had gone through, the couple has decided to become advocates for adoption. They try to spread awareness about what adoption does for both the child and the parents. 

They tell their story in hopes that couples would now fully understand the responsibility of being parents. They have also spoken out about the importance of birth parents being involved in the adoption process and maintaining a relationship with their child and the adoptive family.

In the end, although Tyler and Catelynn couldn’t raise their daughter Carly on their own, that experience has molded them into becoming great parents to their children today. It gave them the lesson of a lifetime!

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